Information contained within this website should be considered of a general nature and should not be regarded as specific legal guidance in relation to legal subjects. The reader of this information should not take any actions based upon what they read here and they should always take legal advice from a licensed lawyer in the state where they live.
The content here has been summarized into a general nature so new legal developments, settlements or recent verdicts may not be considered. The owner of the site is not liable if people act upon or do not act upon the information in the site. By visiting this website a person has not entered into a lawyer-client type relationship with any lawyer mentioned. Information contained here should not be constituted as legal advice and it is not related to any specific legal case. If a person makes contact with a lawyer mentioned on this site via phone, fax, email, e-form or letter does not mean a lawyer-client relationship has been established. For this to happen a contract will have to be signed.
Information on the site is specific to DWI arrests in or near to Houston County and may not be typical to other counties in Texas. Some information ob this site may be outdated or errors may be present.
You should not go by the information here and a lawyer should be consulted. Any lawyer mentioned here and the site owner have no legal responsibility to any person who incurs any damages by acting upon the information found here or on any linked sites. No guarantee can be offered that the information found here is completely accurate or updated. Legal testimonials on the site may not be typical. Is the lawyer who takes responsibility for the advertisement.
Contact Us
The Houston DWI Specialists
1001 Texas Ave #1400
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 554-2488