What is DWI probation?
If you are convicted of a DWI offense, the judge may order probation as a part of your sentence. Probation is supervision in the community instead of being placed in jail. The sentence is like the judge saying, “I’m giving you another chance, and you better watch yourself.”
The court’s probation department is responsible for supervising people on court-ordered probation. The department will monitor your compliance with the conditions set by the court. These conditions for a DWI conviction may include:
• Submitting breathalyzers and urine specimens that test for the use of drugs and/or alcohol;
• Fitting an your vehicle with an ignition interlock device to verify you are not using alcohol and driving;
• Submitting to an alcohol or drug evaluation before you can start treatment. The evaluation determines the type of treatment you will need to complete; and
• Referral to a DWI class, which must be completed within 180 days of the date you started probation (You have to must pay the entire cost of these classes).
If, during the probation period, you do not run afoul of the law and comply with the terms set out by the court, there’s nothing more to worry about. The sentence is complete. There will be a mark on your record, but there are no other restrictions or penalties associated with your probation. Texas law does not generally permit for an early discharge from probation. However, for some offenses, your attorney to petition the court for an early discharge. To read more about our Houston DWI attorney, Mr. Martinez click here to visit our homepage.
If you choose not to follow the conditions of probation, the probation officer may request a warrant for your arrest; the judge could require you to return to court to add more conditions to your probation; or your probation could be revoked and you could be sent to jail. Probation can be violated for:
• Failure to attend court on your scheduled date;
• Being arrested for any matter;
• Failure to compensate a victim as ordered by the court;
• Detecting alcohol in your blood stream when you are operating a vehicle;
• Failing to attend alcohol awareness classes as ordered by the court; and
• Being caught with illegal narcotics in your possession.
Call our Houston DWI attorney at the Martinez law firm and receive the quality representation you need to move forward without having this DWI charge damaging your life and career. Mr. Martinez, a Houston DWI attorney will work with you to provide you with the strongest defense and the highest probability of a favorable outcome in your case.
By Herman Martinez