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Almost 25,000 people call Alvin, Texas, their home. The city is located near Houston and Galveston, nearly due south of the city of Houston. It is perhaps best known for being the home of Nolan Ryan, a baseball Hall of Famer and long-time Texas Ranger, and as such the Nolan Ryan Museum is located in Alvin.
That’s enough to draw a lot of baseball fans to the town to pay homage to one of the best pitchers of all time and check out the displays. The museum includes information on the entire life of Nolan Ryan, and also demonstrates his velocity from a catcher’s point of view through a machine.
Call our Alvin DWI Attorney for a Complimentary Case Discussion
If you take the trip to Alvin to see the Nolan Ryan Museum and then hang out for dinner and drinks, make sure that you do not have too much alcohol to get behind the wheel and drive home. The possibility of a criminal DWI charge should be enough to cause you to take caution, but mistakes do happen from time to time.
If you do end up getting a DWI case in Alvin, do not hesitate to call an Alvin DWI attorney, as there are many good ones who can handle cases in the area. A good drunk driving lawyer can make a huge difference in one of these cases, as they know how the system works and what kind of deal might be possible.
Often times making a deal is a good approach, as it eliminates some of the risk and can wrap up the process more quickly. A good DWI lawyer in Alvin can explain to you the risks and rewards of making a deal and some of the possible outcomes that you might face either way.
Alvin Drunk Driving Resources
Alvin Courthouse
Alvin Website
Alvin Police Department